Archive for May, 2011

May 29, 2011

A lip smackin’ good time

I found a few recipes online recently for tinted lip balm/gloss.  My absolute “must have” makeup item would have to be, hands down, lip gloss/lipstick.  I’ve already mastered {ha!} chapstick, so tinted lip gloss sounded like a perfect next project!  I tried the gloss recipe first and the results were just right for this blog: {un}perfect.  Since I have a ton of empty chapstick tubes, I poured the gloss into the tubes.  While it holds up decently, as soon as the gloss hits a pair of lips, it melts into super gloss.  A little too much gloss, if you ask me.  So, I tried a tinted lip balm recipe today.  This recipe fared much better, but this time not quite enough gloss for my liking.  Maybe later I’ll try for a happy medium.  Once I get the {in my opinion} perfect recipe, I’ll post.  In the meantime, my friends’ lips will be getting all kinds of glossy, balmy spoiling going on 🙂

May 28, 2011


I’m not sure I would’ve ever said that Spring is my favorite season.  Truthfully, I still wouldn’t say it – fall will always hold that place in my heart.  Living in the midwest we get lots of rain and can go from 80 degrees one day to 50 degrees the next.  Oh, and don’t forget that for about half of our official spring we still have the icky white stuff lingering around.  But I have recently developed a love for primavera – all the big box garden centers are open, roadside flower/vegetable stands spring up, the smell of freshly cut grass, hostas spike up out of the ground, we can finally start putting away our winter gear, porch chats with my neighbor K.N. don’t require mittens and hats, the kids start playing more outside than inside, I get to see my all neighbors again for more than a few minutes at the bus stop, we pull out the hammock, and…I can start planting my vegetable garden!  After fizzling out a bit last year {largely due to the flooding  that made overwhelming amounts of grass/weeds pop up}, I came up with a new and improved plan.  The Hubs {with the help of “A”} built me 8 raised beds and brought in soil to fill them. 

{Hubs and A making the beds. Now if I could only get them to make their real beds...}

 Another lesson I learned is that {for my situation}, buying plants works much better than starting from seed.  Last year I started seeds on my kitchen table {the only available area with enough light} and it was annoying at best.  Even worse, I ended up buying a whole bunch of plants to supplement anyway.  So yesterday I headed to a local nursery to purchase my precious veggies.  In very non-me fashion, I actually got all my plants planted the same day I bought them!  I’m usually such a procrastinator that half my plants get all wilted before I get them in the ground.  Not this time 🙂 

{Some of my little green babies}

 “A” was very excited to help me.  “M” started out interested in helping, but quickly moved on to his bike and the trampoline.  Oh well…at least he had fun and stayed occupied!

{One little Monkey…}

Now that everything has been planted, the waiting game begins.  Gardening is a good lesson in patience for me.  I’m a “want-what-I-want-when-I-want-it” kinda girl {case in point – Hubs and I dated 2.5 months before getting engaged and were married 6.5 months later.  When you know, you know.  You know?}, so it’s tough to wait for the beautiful, bountiful fruits {or veggies, as they may be in this case} of my labor.  But wait I will, and I’m sure I’ll again be pleasantly overwhelmed with the produce my garden produces.  Like zucchini coming out my ears – YAY!  Chocolate chip zucchini muffins anyone??